Thursday, April 14, 2022

Loss of Autonomy and Autism

Today, I'll be sharing with you the story of the worst experience I ever had pre-2020—worst experience of my childhood. As usual, the rough draft version of this appeared first on my Twitter, but I've never shared the story in full before then. Original thread here: ZeroWrites/status/1513625056882089993

I'm not sure I got across everything I wanted to—speaking about trauma has additional difficulties that make metacognition and reflection that much more difficult—but I hope that by sharing my story others who have gone through similar or have fears about it may find something helpful here. 

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

No, I do not have Asperger's

I am autistic. Some days I can pass for "normal". For some disparate moments, it looks like I "have my shit together".

Language is a special interest and my dyspraxia comes off as clumsiness, resulting in regular stoved toes—"stoved" is a regional variant of "stubbed" by the way, which is interesting because of how close the 'b' and 'v' consonants are and ...—and running into furniture and door jambs.

Saturday, April 2, 2022